Sunday, January 13, 2019


I . . .  have been busy

With life

Life, also, has been busy with me.

Let us move forward.


Monday, March 12, 2018

Come, let me show you something

For years I did private sector undercover work.  Looking back, what stands out is moving all the time.  Every three months a new city, sometimes a new state, even different cultures as I moved from East coast to west coast and back again.

But, for as much road has gone under my wheels as I moved from place to place, I am now certain that the miles, and leagues I have traveled in my mind leave those I traveled on the earth very much in the pale.

And yet the great work has just now, just this very flint on steel moment, begun.  There are fathomless distances yet to traverse.

But, before we go about all that, let me show you some things I have gathered in my travels . . . .